Carstensen Farms

Sweetest Organic Strawberries in Town! Located at 490 Casa Grande Rd, Petaluma Across from Casa Grande High School

Location: Petaluma, California, United States


Friday, June 22, 2007

NEW HOURS–open today & more @ 2:00

Hi gang,

Much confusion out there about when we're open. We're in mid June, the harvest slowdown and it's time again for our summer hours change. Please make a mental note of it.

Open @ 12 noon (not 10:00) until 5:30/6:00 or sold out
CLOSED Tues/Thurs
Additional closed days are possible, I'll notify you in advance.

We will be open Sat, Sun, Mon unless I email you with a change. Berries will come in at noon and maybe 2:00 if the weather holds (and the crop). Blueberries may arrive Saturday if we get them packaged in time. We'll start picking them tonite and continue tomorrow morning and Sunday morning. I'm down one picker since my daughter is at the fair showing her jersey cows.

Please let me indulge........since many of you have asked and even visited us at the fair, I am happy to report that my daughter did wonderfully!!! She showed her jersey cows, all 9 of them yesterday. The high point was the showmanship competition. This is where you are judged on showing ability and preparation of the animal. This was her first year in the FFA (Future Farmers of America) class after showing in 4-H for the past 7 years. All the kids in FFA have many years under their belts and the competition is fierce, 27 in all. They were in the ring for 1 1/2 hours!!! I am EXTREMELY proud of my daughter who took first place and will advance to round robin showmanship on Saturday @ 4:00. The first and second place exhibitors in each showmanship class and breed will compete - beef, dairy, goats, sheep, pigs and horses. It's lots of fun for us to watch!!! Stop by and look me up at the dairy ring :)


Sally Strawberry

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