Carstensen Farms

Sweetest Organic Strawberries in Town! Located at 490 Casa Grande Rd, Petaluma Across from Casa Grande High School

Location: Petaluma, California, United States


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Open Wednesday

Hi gang,

It was so sad to be closed on Monday after only 11 days. Darned Ma Nature is very cranky this year!! This will go down as the most challenging weather year yet.

We’ll harvest again Wed. morning and work thru the field again. This kind of cool weather is better than heat. The berries will ripen slowly, hold longer for you, and hold up better in the field. We may even see some of the super sweet bronzing berries coming in. Who knows!! I’m encouraged by all the blossoms and green fruit I see out there. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for 4th of July fruit J


Sally Strawberry

Casa Grande location 490 Casa Grande Rd (across from Casa Grande High School)
Opening Day May 8th thru June 17 ...... Open daily 9 - 6, closed Tues
June 18 thru July 31 ...... Open 12 - TBD Days closed TBD
Aug 1 thru Sept 1 ..... Open daily 12 - 6, closed Tues, Thurs
Sept 2 to end of season ...... as available between transplanting

Our Ely Rd. location will not be open this year due to frost damage and the late season start - Sorry :(

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