Opening Day hours - earlier
I figured we might as well start the season off right sooooo….. on Opening Day, this Thursday 5/8, I’m going to open the doors at 9:00am – that’s right…. 1 hour earlier than I usually do. I have tons of juicy, ripe berries and plenty of harvest help so why not kick things off early right??? My personal goal – keep the stand fully stocked at all times, everyone served and happy! I can hardly wait J
Who knows…… if 9:00 works well I may continue opening early thru Sunday, May 11th to make sure all those well deserving Mom’s get a berry treat this weekend. Stay tuned!!
Please remember: The Ely Rd. stand will not happen this year because of the frost and the late season start. You’ll only find our berries at the Casa Grande Rd location this year.
Petaluma Bounty Farmers Corner
Amy from Petaluma Bounty is working so darned hard growing all the delicious veggies and beautiful flowers that will arrive in late May/early June. She’s got arugula, turnips, onions, spinach, beets, carrots, chard, broccoli and much more along with 400 feet of gorgeous flowers. She’s an amazing farmer with a huge amount of experience and a ton of drive. I’m sending an SOS out for her to you folks. She’s carrying most of the workload with some volunteer support but she could use so much more. If any of you love to garden, have a few hours to spare and can help this truly worthwhile non-profit grow healthy food for those that need it in our local community, please give her a call at 364-8810 or email The girl is working 6 days a week and putting in really long days. I’m afraid she’s going to burn out quickly and we would lose such a gem of a farmer in our community. Can you help???
Sally Strawberry
Casa Grande location 490 Casa Grande Rd (across from Casa Grande High School)
Opening Day May 8th thru June 17 ...... Open daily 10 - 6, closed Tues
June 18 thru July 31 ...... Open 12 - TBD Days closed TBD
Aug 1 thru Sept 1 ..... Open daily 12 - 6, closed Tues, Thurs
Sept 2 to end of season ...... as available between transplanting
Our Ely Rd. location will not be open this year due to frost damage and the late season start - Sorry :(
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