Carstensen Farms

Sweetest Organic Strawberries in Town! Located at 490 Casa Grande Rd, Petaluma Across from Casa Grande High School

Location: Petaluma, California, United States


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Open w/ 1 load at 12:15, veggies, FAIR TIME :)

Hi all,

We will open tomorrow at 12:15 with one load for the day. We won’t make it until 6PM, but possibly 4PM (like we did on Monday). It just depends on how the harvest goes. Amy will also be there with her wonderful veggies and flowers. I won’t be sending an afternoon update because…… it’s FAIR TIME!!! My daughter is at the fair with her 11 jersey cows all week. I’ll be the den mother with a trailer, cooking food for a herd of kids and I’m the dairy leader for Tri-Valley 4-H. If you happen to stop by the barns look for Tri-Valley 4-H and Petaluma FFA (Kelli Carstensen). If you want to see kids showing dairy cattle, Kelli shows on Thursday.

I’ll be away from my computer a lot this week. If you don’t hear from me the schedule will be the same all week – open at 12:15, close when we sell out. The only exception is…….we may be closed on Sunday. The field may not support 4 straight days of harvest (Fri –Mon). I will update you on that later in the week.

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