Berry Update - Spring gets you wondering ....... when will the berries be ready!
Hi gang!
As I sit here scratching the computing cobwebs outta my brain, I realize it’s been a REALLY long time since I’ve created a Berry Update. A REALLY long time! I’ve been busy and resting with a welcome change of pace and feel of winter.
The berries are doing well. We see the very first blossoms peeking thru right now. That’s good…. keep them tucked away until the heavy frost danger is over – please. We expect to see the field turn white with blossoms in about a week. Then we pray for warm, mild weather with no frost. Full blossom next week puts us at about the first week of May for harvest. Warmer weather during spring will speed up the ripening and cool weather will slow us down. Very mild, cool summers produce the best, slow ripening berries. We’ll see what this year holds!
The blueberries are blossoming. We had some pesky gopher problems and lost a year’s growth on a small portion of our plants. We spent a week installing a 6 foot deep gopher barrier in an attempt to prevent further damage this season. If the plants ripen all the possible berries we see out there, it should be a very good blueberry year.
We will operate our one and only original stand this year on Casa Grande Rd. The Ely Rd. stand will not be a viable option because of parking concerns. We anticipate keeping the same hours as last year – 10 – 6 thru mid June then switching to 12:15 – sold out on as many days as we can for the remainder of the season. Of course I’ll keep you posted J
So the countdown begins!!
Sally Strawberry
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Carstensen Farms
Look for our berry updates at or google "carstensen farms"
Casa Grande location 490 Casa Grande Rd (across from Casa Grande High School)
Opening Day May 8th thru June 17 ...... Open daily 10 - 6, closed Tues
June 18 thru July 31 ...... Open 12 - TBD Days closed TBD
Aug 1 thru Sept 1 ..... Open at 12:15 till sold out Wed, Fri, Sun only
Sept 2 to end of season ...... as available between transplanting
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