Carstensen Farms

Sweetest Organic Strawberries in Town! Located at 490 Casa Grande Rd, Petaluma Across from Casa Grande High School

Location: Petaluma, California, United States


Sunday, May 03, 2009

Monday, May 4th OPEN at 10:00 - let's beat the rain!

Hi all,

It was so nice to see so many of you on Thursday! I’m so glad so many of you got your first taste of spring berries and wish I had more for everyone. I brought in berries at 10, 12:30, 2:30 and 4:30. All were sold out within 20 minutes each time. Whew!!!

The rain has stopped and we’re going to harvest all we can before the next batch of showers come in. We will be open at 10AM tomorrow, Monday May 4th. We’ll harvest until we get rained out, pick the field clean or 6PM – whichever comes first.

I’ll bring fruit in at 10:00, 12:30, 2:30 and possibly 4:30. It’s supposed to rain on Monday afternoon so we’ll pick everything we can.

Do you know I still have some berries from Thursday sitting on my deck?? I only lost 1 berry to mold so far. This next batch won’t hold as long – lots of moisture from the last rain.

Updated schedule:

Monday – OPEN 10 – sold out or 6PM (could sell out quickly at each delivery)

Tuesday – CLOSED

Wednesday – OPEN??? Depends on timing of rain on Tuesday

Thursday, Friday, Saturday…… too early to call, guessing open as usual with the same delivery schedule

For those of you who were looking for fresh eggs, I’m still working on it. I’m looking for chicks that will fit our season and weather. I don’t want chicks under a heat lamp in the heat of July! As soon as I get everything figured out (how many to purchase, from what supplier, what month, etc) I’ll send out another email. Thank you so much to everyone who responded. You gave me a good estimate of how many hens our farm could support and which direction I should go. Hang in there…… it will take me a little time to pull it all together now.



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