Carstensen Farms

Sweetest Organic Strawberries in Town! Located at 490 Casa Grande Rd, Petaluma Across from Casa Grande High School

Location: Petaluma, California, United States


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wed, 5/6 OPEN at 10:00, handling instructions, Twitter updates

Hi all,

We’re opening at 10:00 with berries. I’ll have deliveries at 12:30 and 2:30 again and possibly 4:30. I’m attempting to stay open until 6PM. I’ll send an update around 4PM to let you know what’s available.

Handling instructions for berries this week – eat ‘em! The weather has been unfavorable for soft, ripe berries. They will not hold like the opening day harvest. The rain keeps them wet and will cause them go up and over fast. My advice is to buy what you need and can eat in a few days and let me pick you more every few days. We’ll get past this weather issue within a week or so (I heard 80 degrees by the weekend). I’ll do the best I can to work with what I have out there!

A longtime customer encouraged me to send quick updates on Twitter so….. I’m going to give it a try. It looks like a easy, quick way to get late afternoon updates out to everyone. I hate to have anyone drive over to a closed gate and make a special trip – that’s why I send afternoon updates – to take some of the guesswork out of your berry trips.

You can find me on It seems easy. I’m totally new at it so I’d like those seasoned twitter users to coach me on how best to use it and instruct other on how to find me. Let’s give it a whirl!!! If it makes your life easier I’m all in :-)

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