Carstensen Farms

Sweetest Organic Strawberries in Town! Located at 490 Casa Grande Rd, Petaluma Across from Casa Grande High School

Location: Petaluma, California, United States


Saturday, May 01, 2010

Un-Berry Upate from Sally Strawberry

Hi gang,


Seems really strange….. an UN-Berry Update!  You can’t get rid of this farmer girl!  I’ve got a bunch of things to share and  I’ll send a few “newsy” updates in the next few days so you’re not overwhelmed with a big huge memo.


This one is about the Nicasio/Tri-Valley Faire tomorrow, Sunday May 2nd, at the Marin French Cheese factory.  The 4-H kids bring their bunnies, chickens, a few cows, goats, and other assorted projects for the day to be judged and to receive feedback and coaching.  There’s a raffle, kids games, and an AWESOME chicken BBQ.  Angela, daughter of Angelo Ibletto, is the queen of the fixin’s and puts together a killer plate complete with BBQ chicken, pesto pasta, beans, green salad and a roll.  Plus… all the 4-H families bring a dessert to share!


If you’re looking for a nice drive and a tasty lunch, head out to the Marin Cheese Factory for lunch at 11:30.  Drive past the main buildings to the back.  The activities are in the area with the picnic benches and lawn.


Best BBQ chicken dinner EVER!!



Sally Strawberry



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